Democratic leaders start petition to require governor to call special session on school finance

Kansas Democratic leaders today asked Gov. Sam Brownback to call a special session to address school finance. The Kansas Supreme Court recently said the plan passed this year was not equitable and gave Kansas legislators until June 30 to come up with an equitable plan for school finance. Democratic leaders have started collecting signatures on … Continue reading “Democratic leaders start petition to require governor to call special session on school finance”

Governor proposes three options to balance Kansas budget; Democrats say his solution doesn’t address the problem

Gov. Sam Brownback, after hearing consensus revenue numbers had decreased $228 million, presented three budget-balancing options for the Legislature to consider. In a news release today, he ruled out raising income taxes or taxes on businesses. Democrats responded that none of the governor’s proposed solutions addressed the underlying problem – a lack of revenue. “I … Continue reading “Governor proposes three options to balance Kansas budget; Democrats say his solution doesn’t address the problem”

Governor touts poverty reduction, but 80 percent removed from food stamps still below line

More than half of Kansans who found jobs after losing assistance remain in poverty by Megan Hart, KHI News Services Gov. Sam Brownback made his case Thursday for why Kansas food stamp reforms should be a national welfare-to-work model, even though the study he used to support his claim showed almost 80 percent of Kansans … Continue reading “Governor touts poverty reduction, but 80 percent removed from food stamps still below line”