Governor speaks to business leaders

Views Opinion column by Murrel Bland Gov. Sam Brownback came to Kansas, City, Kan., Friday, July 15, to speak to members of the Congressional Forum, a committee of the Chamber of Commerce. About 75 persons, mostly community business leaders, attended and heard the state’s chief executive speak on a wide range of subjects. Gov. Brownback, … Continue reading “Governor speaks to business leaders”

Governor signs school finance bill

The school finance bill passed on Friday by the Kansas Legislature became law today with the governor’s signature. Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt today asked the Kansas Supreme Court to approve the school finance law. It was filed under a joint stipulation submitted by the attorney general and the counsel for the plaintiff school districts … Continue reading “Governor signs school finance bill”

Opinion column: Governor calls for special legislative session

Views Opinion column by Murrel Bland Gov. Sam Brownback has called a special session of the Kansas Legislature starting Thursday, June 23, to comply with the Kansas Supreme Court’s order to address the equity issue of state school funding. The court ruled last month that the Legislature’s remedy passed earlier this year was not equitable. … Continue reading “Opinion column: Governor calls for special legislative session”