Candidates for governor can’t stop talking about Brownback

by Stephen Koranda, Kansas News Service The two top candidates for Kansas governor sparred in a debate over a familiar name: former Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback. The two distanced themselves from Brownback, who left office earlier this year with sagging approval numbers. Democratic state Sen. Laura Kelly has tried to connect her Republican opponent, Secretary … Continue reading “Candidates for governor can’t stop talking about Brownback”

What Kansas candidates for governor say about school spending

by Stephen Koranda, Kansas News Service Take a look at the Kansas budget and one item looms large, eating up more state spending than anything else. Schools swallow about $4.5 billion. That spending rose after an infusion of cash by lawmakers earlier this year in response to a court ruling in a long-running fight over … Continue reading “What Kansas candidates for governor say about school spending”

Kansas governor candidates each have a plan to fix the economy, but will one work?

by Brian Grimmett, Kansas News Service The Kansas economy has been sluggish the past few years, but the candidates running for governor each have a plan to jumpstart things. Will any of them actually work? Experts say every plan faces an uphill battle. With Kansas lacking the power to add some mountains, or beaches, or … Continue reading “Kansas governor candidates each have a plan to fix the economy, but will one work?”