On first day as governor, Kelly says partisanship cost Kansas ‘its sense of self’

by Stephen Koranda and Scott Canon, Kansas News Service Kansas swore a new governor into office on Monday and saw the end of eight years of Republicans in the office. New Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly told supporters, and the Republican lawmakers she’s sure to clash with, that the state had lost its sense of community. … Continue reading “On first day as governor, Kelly says partisanship cost Kansas ‘its sense of self’”

Kansas governor-elect delays deals with private foster contractors, names new welfare agency boss

by Madeline Fox, Kansas News Service Kansas governor-elect Laura Kelly announced Thursday that she’s replacing the head of the state’s embattled child welfare agency, and at the same time putting on hold new grants for private contractors to manage foster care and family preservation services. Kelly’s announcement signals rapid and potentially dramatic change for an … Continue reading “Kansas governor-elect delays deals with private foster contractors, names new welfare agency boss”

Kansas House changes leadership, could clash with incoming governor

by Jim McLean and Madeline Fox, Kansas News Service The Kansas Legislature showed its tendency to be both more conservative and more liberal on Monday. The selection of House leaders took the Republican and Democratic factions a bit more to the right and left, while creating a more polarized Legislature facing Democratic Gov.-elect Laura Kelly. … Continue reading “Kansas House changes leadership, could clash with incoming governor”